Monday, June 7, 2010

Too wierd for the nappy valley peloton?

I went to the LBS yesterday. The man , whom I contacted several weeks ago, to share rides, has a new sign.
Oh its cute.

'Le Peloton'
Come share the ride 2- -25 km, more when group gets fitter.

Guy was ok. In fact he seemd desperate for anyone to ride with. He said, as I recall - it will be nice to have someone to talk to, or um not talk to. I said fine by me.

I told him to give me a call when he went out again.
He hasnt. This makes me wonder, is it guy sport manners to call back? Because a chick would have called.
Is it because the same reason no one will sit next to me on the bus( I look wierd, tired or hostile - the last being the intense stare you get from outdated glasses. Need some new ones, broke the newest pair. But whom am I kidding, no one will sit next to me , anyhow. Even with new glasses.Being that I am freak, who wears all black and reads big funny books on the bus. Plus sleeps the whole way, which people tend to find creepy.)
Is it because I dress in all black, all the time, head to toe?Or is it because I live in Canberra, which is full of zombified public servants?

Really. They ARE zombies. I once got on a public bus, mid summer, 40 out. About 45 on bus( like 102).NO windows open!! Mid afternoon! Everyone was too afraid of making a scene opening them.So of course, I walk on and say 'jesus christ! Its like 45degrees on here! Why are the windows closed( breaking the rule, no one speaks on buses, unless your either a teen, old people, poor white trash or wierdos).
So, I start opening windows.
What wierds ME out, is that no one - not one person, follows suit. In fact they all stare ahead, trying frantically to ignore me. So I start leaning over past people( breaking another rule, do not invade peoples space) to open more windows.
I mean , its REALLY hot. Im even sweating, which t dont do unless it hits 47 or so( about three second before everone bursts into flames).
Then I break the last rule( do not speak to passengers, on any pretext) 'what are you - zombies?!!!'

I swear , people could have been moulded from plasticine. Their faces did not even MOVE.
Creepy. And the thing IM the wierdo!!

So I am not sure if Im supposed to call this guy back or not.
So I decide, apon seeing the poster, yeah I ll give him a call. Then I notice, he wants to leave for a group ride, in winter, when it is about -2 to 2 o AT 7AM!!!?? WTF?
Not even the group rides( except really old retired people who seem to be well upholstered seem to ride in winter morning rides).
Is he out of his fucking mind? Maybe hes a fat guy and has no idea that riding at that time, means, you can tfeel you rhands after 20 mins. Perhaps he means, to ride 10 km, in about 15 min then cafe stop, carbo load on belgian waffles and stuff and then ride 10 km more.
Seriously, I dont know how people can do this. Im a scrawny gym bunny, but even if I myself, started chowing down on that crap , I;d be the size of a house in one month. How do they work it off?

I did however, fanasize that hes that Cippolini clone I see riding by now and then. I dont mean, by handsome, I mean the guy wears a zebra striped winter roadie jacket. How, uh , god I cant even find the words for it. Its quite a site( and I adore zebra striped things, but this makes him look like hes going to go ride on Team Van Halen 80's reunion or something. It reminds me of white sunglasses. It scares me frankly.
I didnt even look at his bike, thats how arresting this jacket was!!

Health - hitting VO 2 max!

Had spin class the other day. Worked my ass off. ( It needs some working off, since I quit spin class, it went from elite racer to average ( well smaller than MOST )looking. I worked hard for that bum, only to see it hiding( in its tight gym bunny perfection) below what I like to call my 'second' bottom.
Usually, I dont hit Vo2 max, because when your virally fatigued - your Heart rate wont rise.You feel as if you already RODE that mountain, but legs wont go so to speak.
So this was prime.
Near collapse, dripping with sweat( and I dont sweat much even in summer), I stayed there most likely several minutes. It hurt!! Heart felt like it was going hell for clappers and it was hard to get oxygen into my lungs. It was great!!!
Plus this was the day I wore my new red top, new tri shorts, stripey arm warmers and US Postal hat - so not onyl was I beating the crap out of myself, I looked funny too.
This seems to be a new point in recovery.
I knew I d get back to this point( I left it about 7 months , feeling like hell and thinking 10 years of gym fitness, with only about 6 months off with a vacation here and there- plus did this all with CF. Time to sit around and eat cookies for a while. Fyck this imaginary race training.)

Well, let me tell you. VO2 max feels like viral fatigue. So all those months and years spent, totally washed out in pain with every exertion is familar to me.In fact, now that I know it isnt fatigue but exertion, I am ready to go and regularly kick the crap out of myself several times a week.